miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

The English Class And the University

Hi bloggers, we are already very nearly ending the year, weeks of high stress is coming, little sleep, many tests, papers .. ahhhh! but the holidays are just around the corner :D...but today's topic is the English classes and university.

English classes is actually far one of the most entertaining university because is very interactive and unusual compared to other classes.

The university every year becomes more stressful and demanding, and sometimes puts me in a bad mood jajajaj... then I appreciate having a bouquet that although I have obligations, are entertaining and addressed differently.
 As for my learning English, I must say that I feel I've come a long way from when I got the first year , although I greatly improve my pronunciation that according to me, is the weakest that I have jajajjaa , have further expanded my vocabulary and I hope to continue learning more , much remains .I 've noticed that watching series and movies in the language helps a lot , develops learning new words or catchphrases .
And blogs , it is more entertaining because the act of writing about a topic and give us your opinion and write it on your tastes , your stuff , and another language , is very constructive , is my own space of expression :) .. Mind development , vocabulary , writing .. nothing better ! : D


jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

How green are you?

I often wonder, am I green? Do I act for positive change for me, those around me and to the world at large? There are indications that society in which I live no. However, that answer would be valid only if you wanted me to delegate my responsibility in others. It's a trap to not mature.

Personally, I believe that education about the care of the environment comes from home, small acts that our parents teach us as children and we never forget ever in life
In current times with a capitalist market economy, with a society of excessive consumption, is time to put to work the frontal lobes of the brain that can inhibit our immediate consumption instinctive behavior regardless of the consequences

We do not have much longer....

Far beyond the consumption of natural resources, economy ... We must go to make not only our actions are appropriate, but also that our words and thoughts are the most positive possible for them to create a reality in the same terms

If we talk about my contribution in  this society for not following damaging, I have some practical daily actions such as: Every time I even supermarket, avoid to give me plastic bags, usually carry my bag on my way too home anywhere ... to college or to the gym, in my department, garbage is separated by cardboard, plastics, glass and household waste, nothing is mixed

I have not joined environmental organizations
I think my contribution because I'm doing well daily and like it or not, an otherwise'm also inserted in a society where I use a lot and would be a bit double standard join an organization, I would have to change my whole life.

Santiago city it needs a little more motivation for environmental care issue, because information is on lots and increasingly, in fact, that care for the planet as well, in my opinion, has become a bit of fashion ... but if it is a fashion that will last, it stays that way

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

A perfect song :D

Today I will talk a perfect song for me .... the song is called The End of the band Kings of Leon-
Kings of Leon is a group of American rock music created in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1999. It consists of three brothers, Caleb, Nathan and Jared Followill and their cousin Matthew Followill.

The End is a song of the album Come Around Sundown is the fifth studio album by American rock band Kings of Leon, released in Ireland, Austria and Germany on October 15, 2010, this song is as if transported me to approach the paradise, is a theme rather quiet, very soul and feeling, shows his maturity as a band. Great distorted guitars and ambient light touch. It makes me relax at the end of life, I feel like I'm on a beach just for me, oblivious to any problem, just enjoying the moment. It's a quite pleasant feeling to hear and love the themes that can reach those feelings cause me.

I hope you listen and remember my description jajajajaja , is a song very stressing , delicious to the ears , you enjoy it! :)

A video!

Hi bloggers :D Today I'll show you the video that I love since childhood ..... Coffee and TV Blur band .Blur is a British rock band formed in 1989 , consisting of vocalist , guitarist and keyboardist Damon Albarn , guitarist and vocalist Graham Coxon , bassist Alex James and drummer Dave Rowntree . The group became one of the largest and most important bands in the UK during the 1990s

The song appears on the sixth studio album by the band 13 , which debuted in 1999 .The music video for Coffee & TV tells the story of animated milk carton , who goes in search of Blur guitarist , Graham Coxon , who apparently ran away from home . The milk cartons ( especially in the United States) are sometimes used to help find lost people and Coxon fictional family placed a picture of him printed on the side of the milk carton . After traveling many miles , passing many dangers and even losing his love (a box of strawberry flavored milk that was trampled ) , finally arrives with Graham, who is playing with the rest of the group. Seeing the box and your photo on the card, decide to go back home and stop playing immediately , but this is only noticed by Damon . When she came home, the milk consumed in the box and throws it in a trash can on the street and enters where he is greeted cheerfully. Milky sees the scene , happy that Graham has returned , and eventually dies . His spirit goes to heaven accompanied by strawberry milk box .

I always liked this video, it was super original, when I was little girl felt very sad when the milk box died.
Until this day remains one of my favorite videos

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

A day I will always remeber

I will never forget the day I got my first pet , my dog ​​Michelle . It was a rainy day , my dad came home from work , he had something wrong with his jacket, something tiny moving inside a pocket . Michelle was a little ball of fur , black as night , my German shepherd siberian cute . Everyone in the family caused us love at first sight , so helpless , rookie , looked like a bear , my eyes shone with excitement , I was happy , I think I was about 7 years old. It was my companion for many years, grew up with me , slept and played with me , it was adolescent and young to me, I think I never wanted a pet so as Michelle . And the whole family loved her very much .
 We took care of everything and we were happy days with their pranks . The day he died was terrible , we were a sea of ​​tears , everyone.

Because it was an important part of the family, from that day never had pets, suffer too much with his departure . It will always be the most remembered and most beloved :)

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

A country that I like to visit

Hello bloggers , today I tell you about a country that I love to visit , Marruecos , it always seemed interesting to me know , its culture, its people and customs.Marruecos is located on the northwest coast of Africa and has ports in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea . It is the third most populous Arab country in the world.Something that caught my attention are the markets or street markets , with hundreds of beautiful items I would love to bring.
Another interesting thing is when you visit markets , shops and other places to buy souvenirs and handicrafts , it is common to haggle over prices . In fact it is sometimes necessary due to the high prices of certain items. It is also common that the products do not have the marked price , hoping if people start to haggle . Also in Arab culture is a social act very common, in fact if you accept all of a raised price the seller , it can get angry. The usual is to propose a much lower price and from that basis agree a more balanced price that benefits both parties.
And most importantly ! , Moroccan food jajajaja but typical moroccan of night markets is what i would like eat. These night markets, with hundreds of food ! ... A mix of aromas and flavors of spices, honey , artisan baked goods , fresh mint , roasted lamb and sweet treats Arabs.
Definitely one day I know this country and all the mysteries hidden !

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

My ideal job

Hi bloggers, today I tell you about the ideal job that I would make
Since that I was little girl, I have always always loved to travel and enjoyed watching these travel programs on television, I dreamed of one day lead a travel program and see the world, its customs, landscapes, anecdotes, typical foods.... me and my camera registering every moment of the trip and every corner of the world... a drram!

But I'm still student and that is the reality :(  hahaha, for the moment I conform to see that kind of cable TV programs, my favorite is Oh'tel, televised on Cable Channel 13 which shows the most amazing hotels in Chile and beautiful landscapes that characterize.

Well, you never know who will end up working, , I might have a stroke of luck and my dream come true jajajaja....For the time I take advantage to travel a lot for Chile, while my youth and spirit accompany me :D