miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

My ideal job

Hi bloggers, today I tell you about the ideal job that I would make
Since that I was little girl, I have always always loved to travel and enjoyed watching these travel programs on television, I dreamed of one day lead a travel program and see the world, its customs, landscapes, anecdotes, typical foods.... me and my camera registering every moment of the trip and every corner of the world... a drram!

But I'm still student and that is the reality :(  hahaha, for the moment I conform to see that kind of cable TV programs, my favorite is Oh'tel, televised on Cable Channel 13 which shows the most amazing hotels in Chile and beautiful landscapes that characterize.

Well, you never know who will end up working, , I might have a stroke of luck and my dream come true jajajaja....For the time I take advantage to travel a lot for Chile, while my youth and spirit accompany me :D


2 comentarios:

  1. I'd love to have a job in which I could travel from time to time....wait, I already have a job like that...the only problema is...I really have to work when I travel so I can do the things tourists do :s

    Anyway, it's really good job.


  2. I love your ideal job !! I... i hope you become your dream in your real job =)
    Maybe after university you find something ... jajaja
    In the future, when i stay in my home watching tv, i will love see your tv show and i remember you !!
