miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

A country that I like to visit

Hello bloggers , today I tell you about a country that I love to visit , Marruecos , it always seemed interesting to me know , its culture, its people and customs.Marruecos is located on the northwest coast of Africa and has ports in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea . It is the third most populous Arab country in the world.Something that caught my attention are the markets or street markets , with hundreds of beautiful items I would love to bring.
Another interesting thing is when you visit markets , shops and other places to buy souvenirs and handicrafts , it is common to haggle over prices . In fact it is sometimes necessary due to the high prices of certain items. It is also common that the products do not have the marked price , hoping if people start to haggle . Also in Arab culture is a social act very common, in fact if you accept all of a raised price the seller , it can get angry. The usual is to propose a much lower price and from that basis agree a more balanced price that benefits both parties.
And most importantly ! , Moroccan food jajajaja but typical moroccan of night markets is what i would like eat. These night markets, with hundreds of food ! ... A mix of aromas and flavors of spices, honey , artisan baked goods , fresh mint , roasted lamb and sweet treats Arabs.
Definitely one day I know this country and all the mysteries hidden !

1 comentario:

  1. Karlita!! this is amazin, i hope some day to visit Morocco for you culture and i think is a exotic place and so diferent to our culture
