jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

How green are you?

I often wonder, am I green? Do I act for positive change for me, those around me and to the world at large? There are indications that society in which I live no. However, that answer would be valid only if you wanted me to delegate my responsibility in others. It's a trap to not mature.

Personally, I believe that education about the care of the environment comes from home, small acts that our parents teach us as children and we never forget ever in life
In current times with a capitalist market economy, with a society of excessive consumption, is time to put to work the frontal lobes of the brain that can inhibit our immediate consumption instinctive behavior regardless of the consequences

We do not have much longer....

Far beyond the consumption of natural resources, economy ... We must go to make not only our actions are appropriate, but also that our words and thoughts are the most positive possible for them to create a reality in the same terms

If we talk about my contribution in  this society for not following damaging, I have some practical daily actions such as: Every time I even supermarket, avoid to give me plastic bags, usually carry my bag on my way too home anywhere ... to college or to the gym, in my department, garbage is separated by cardboard, plastics, glass and household waste, nothing is mixed

I have not joined environmental organizations
I think my contribution because I'm doing well daily and like it or not, an otherwise'm also inserted in a society where I use a lot and would be a bit double standard join an organization, I would have to change my whole life.

Santiago city it needs a little more motivation for environmental care issue, because information is on lots and increasingly, in fact, that care for the planet as well, in my opinion, has become a bit of fashion ... but if it is a fashion that will last, it stays that way

4 comentarios:

  1. You are right. Education is the key.

    I wish schools had programs to teach and motivate people to recycle.


  2. hello...!!!! YES...I think that the education is the basis for learn to take care our environment...!!! =)

  3. Karliat :), i think the same, the education is so important and the society must change :)
