sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

Blog life :)

Hi Bloggers .. Well, the semester is ending and it's time to start drawing conclusions from what I have learned and advanced along this time.
I can say I loved the idea of ​​creating a blog, in my opinion, is an excellent way to learn, is very educational, novel, for an entertaining and unusual from the typical boring classes, you learn more words, more vocabulary, for me it was totally to my liking :)
The post that I liked writing the photography was important to me, because it brought back many memories of my time cute college life, my friends and also the photo is very funny and they all look happy.

For me there was no post that I liked least were all interesting, because it reflected a little about myself, I delivered my goals, tastes, places and events of my life very nice.

All blogs have their charm, but I'll take mine jajajajaja. The Charlotte Blog I must admit it is very nice and also has music, I thought it was fantastic.

Anyway, the blog was an excellent tool for learning more vocabulary because if we did not know express some phrase or word, we should look or ask, this greatly expanded the vocabulary .... and the best, in an entertaining way!
Very very grateful to
Simon :)


1 comentario:

  1. Hello Karla, is true the semester its over :cc I hope so fine, I'll see you soon c:
