sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

A photograph

Hi Bloggers! :D Today I tell you about a photo that I love, is about 4 years ago when I was studying at the University of Santiago de Chile (Usach) in engineering degree in surveying, was when we got to "puppies" (as they call to students that enter to first year). We made a roast with all the companions of the race, the day was sunny, all happy, excited about the new world that awaited us in college. I remember that day we share and we met, ate and danced until late, older students gave advice and lend us your help to study, offered us his notes, very generous. That's when I realized that I had good friends, who was meeting great people and we could harvest a beautiful friendship, And it was ... over the years created a beautiful friendship with many of them, even though I changed careers and now study geography, I can say that my best friends are in the USACH.

I love this picture because every time I look, I remember those good times with them, even though I get a little nostalgic and makes me a little sad, reflects the best times lived in college :)

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